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  2. Remote Control Systems
  3. The technical implementation of telecontrol technology

Types of implementation of telecontrol technology

Depending on the local conditions and the requirements of the grid operator and the customer, there are usually three different ways of implementing telecontrol technology. What they all have in common is that they enable the Amperecloud Log to receive commands from the grid operator's control room and send messages back to it.

We will be happy to check your projects, even if they do not correspond to any of the cases described below.

The figure shows the three common cases for telecontrol technology

1 Amperecloud Log as a telecontrol system

In addition to the router supplied for communication with Amperecloud Platform, Amperecloud Log is connected via Ethernet to another gateway (modem/router), which is usually provided directly by the grid operator. This is used to establish a direct connection to the grid operator's control room via a WAN (Internet) using IEC 60870-5-104

Another physical device in the form of a PLC or similar, which serves as an FWA, is not required. However, depending on the type of devices to be connected to the Amperecloud Log and operated via FWT, an I/O module or PLC may be required in addition to the direct FWT connection..

After connecting the devices, Amperecloud imports a configuration for the IEC 60870-5-104 connection that is adapted to the data point list.

2. connection of the Amperecloud Log to a telecontrol system via Modbus or IEC

A physical FWA (in the form of a PLC or similar) is usually provided near the NAP by the grid operator or a third-party provider. This is connected to the grid operator's control room via a WAN (this connection is outside Amperecloud's area of responsibility). There is also a connection from the FWA to the Amperecloud log, whereby the following technologies can be used:

  • RS-485 (serial):
    • Modbus-RTU
    • IEC 60870–5–101
  • Ethernet (network):
    • Modbus-TCP
    • IEC 60870–5–104
    • MQTT


The FWA thus serves as a link between the log and the control room. It can also communicate with other systems, e.g. protection devices, independently of the log. After connecting the devices, Amperecloud imports a configuration for the respective connection type that is adapted to the data point list.

3. connection of the Amperecloud Log to a telecontrol system via digital and analog signals using a terminal strip

This case is similar to the previous one, with the difference that communication between the log and the FWA takes place via digital (discrete) and/or analog signals.

The Amperecloud Log usually has to be extended with suitable connections using I/O modules or PLCs (often grouped together under the manufacturer's name "akYtec"). The connections of the additional modules are wired to the appropriate connections on the terminal strip of the FWA according to a terminal plan or communication plan. Depending on the scenario, an RS-485 or Ethernet cable is required for the connection between the log and the additional modules; Amperecloud is responsible for configuring this connection.

The FWA can, for example, limit the maximum active power P_AC to 30% in relation to P_Nominal by means of a digital signal, similar to FRSE, and the log in turn can report the actual active power P_AC produced back to the FWA via an analog 4-20mA signal

Please note that the akYtec devices only work in conjunction with an Amperecloud log in relation to the mode of operation described here. This has been specially programmed for communication with the devices for the purpose of implementing telecontrol technology. It is therefore not possible to make akYtec devices available for connection to other EZA controllers.

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    +49 30 6293 77201. Our support hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (local time).

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