E.9 Network operator questionnaire

A completed E.9 sheet contains information that is necessary for the EZA controller and the telecontrol system. All relevant sections are listed below.

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  • System name
  • Agreed connection active power for feed-in PAV,E: Active power of the customer system agreed between the grid operator and the connec
    feed-in at the grid connection point. Should normally correspond to the sum of the maximum AC active power of the inverters. Is used as a reference value for Q(P) characteristic curve, whereby 1.0 Pmom/Pb inst is equal to PAV,E.
  • Reference system present: must be taken into account when configuring the reactive power control if necessary (see table on page 5 below)

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  • Static voltage maintenance:
    • Reactive power setting range: maximum or minimum reactive power that the system must be able to generate
    • Reactive power setpoint and method: Reactive power method (in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4110/4120), which must be configured in the digital twin.
    • All settings below the displacement factor cos φ must currently still be set by Amperecloud. 
    • Mixed systems: if the points are set at different locations, 2 grid analysis devices must be installed (NAP and EZE)

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  • Agreed supply voltage of the network UC: Reference voltage when using the Q(U) characteristic curve

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  • Email: Reach out to our support team by emailing us at support@amperecloud.com. Provide as much detail as possible about the issue you're facing.

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  • Call our customer service at

    +49 30 6293 77201. Our support hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (local time).

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