Differentiation from (radio) ripple control receivers ((F)RSE)

Description of technology, wiring and special cases


The (radio) ripple control technology is an old method in which only commands can be received from the grid operator, but no feedback can be given to it.

The Amperecloud Log receives the commands by connecting to a ripple control receiver (RSE) provided by the grid operator (data transmission by modulating to the grid frequency) or a radio ripple control receiver (FRSE) (data transmission via long-wave radio). The two variants do not differ from Amperecloud's point of view, as the wiring of the contacts is identical. In the following, the abbreviation FRSE is used for standardization purposes.


To connect an FRSE, it only needs to be connected to the PM interface of the Amperecloud Log using five cables. Commands are transmitted from the FRSE to the Amperecloud Log by means of four "switches" (relay/potential-free contact), which are either open or closed.

The following table explains which switch positions represent which value for limiting the active power P in relation to the rated power, with K1 to K4 (from left to right) corresponding to PM connections 1 to 4 on the Amperecloud Log. A "1" stands for "circuit closed", a "0" for "circuit open" and an "x" for any value, whereby this is usually "0". In the event of a fault, the default value of 100% (adjustable) always applies so that continued operation of the system is guaranteed.


Wiring of the PM interface
K1 K2 K3 K4 Power P
0 0 0 0 100%
1 0 0 0 100%
x 1 0 0 60%
x x 1 0 30%
x x x 1 0%

Special cases

If the switching commands of the FRSE deviate from the combinations shown above, it is necessary to reprogram them and thus commission the installation of telecontrol technology.

The same applies if the Amperecloud Log cannot be installed in the immediate vicinity of the FRSE, as in this case the signals must be forwarded via an I/O module or a PLC via a network.

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