Creating a widget (table)

You can use the table widget function to display various types of data in tabular form, e.g. performance, analysis data or information from the digital twin. How to create a table widget:

1. Define title

  • Step 1: Open the "Dashboards" tab and navigate to the desired dashboard.
  • Step 2: Click on "Add element" and select "Table" from the widget types.
  • Step 3: Give the widget a meaningful title that will be displayed in the top left corner of the widget.


2. Add columns

  • Step 1: Click on "Add column" to add a new column to the table.
  • Step 2: Assign a title to each column.
  • Step 3: Specify whether the column should be colored to visually highlight values. The colors are based on the following rules:
    • Green: device with the highest value or average values
    • Red: Values that are below the average
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3. Configure data

3.1 Analysis data

If the table is to display analysis data:

  • Step 1: Select "Analysis data" in the configuration menu.
  • Step 2: Define the analysis type (e.g. average, trend).
  • Step 3: Determine the time period to be analyzed.
  • Step 4: Set the interval at which the data is to be updated.



3.2 Measured values

If the table is to display measured values:

  • Step 1: Select "Measured values" in the configuration menu.
  • Step 2: Determine the specific measured value (e.g. current power).
  • Step 3: Define the time period that the widget should cover.
  • Step 4: Set the aggregation (e.g. MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, LAST, FIRST, COUNT) how the data should be displayed cumulatively.

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3.3 Digital twin

If the table is to display data from the digital twin:

  • Step 1: Select "Digital twin" in the configuration menu.
  • Step 2: Determine which specific data from the digital twin should be displayed, such as name, serial number, model, etc.


4. Define components

  • Step 1: Select the components whose data is to be displayed in the widget.
  • Step 2: Use the filter options to search for specific devices:
    A: Device name
    • A: Device name
    • B: Associated system
    • C: Device type
  • Step 3: Select the desired devices in the list D.
  • Step 4: Add the selected devices to list E.
  • Step 5: You can remove devices from the selection via area F.

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Below each aggregation (cumulation)

  • MAX: Highest value in the specified period
  • MIN: Lowest value in the specified period
  • SUM: Sum of all values in the specified period
  • AVG:  Average value in the specified period
  • LAST: Last (most recent) value in the specified time period
  • FIRST: First value in the specified period
  • COUNT: Number of transmitted values

Example for "COUNT": If a device transmits a value every 15 minutes (4 times per hour), the "COUNT" value for this device will be 96 for a period of one day.

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  • Email: Reach out to our support team by emailing us at Provide as much detail as possible about the issue you're facing.

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    +49 30 6293 77201. Our support hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (local time).

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